Living the Love of Jesus!
Living the Love of Jesus!
10:30 Contemporary (Sunday school for the littles!)
118 West Willow Road, Willow Street, PA 17584- 717-464-3211
As a United Methodist congregation, our mission is to make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world.
If you're looking for a fresh start, a different perspective, or simply a rest from this hectic world of ours, we would be happy to show your our West Willow UMC hospitality. You can watch our videos here on this website, interact with our community on our West Willow UMC Facebook page, or come join us in person Sunday morning at 10:30 am contemporary service.
If you're looking for a fresh start, a different perspective, or simply a rest from this hectic world of ours, we would be happy to show your our West Willow UMC hospitality. You can watch our videos here on this website, interact with our community on our West Willow UMC Facebook page, or come join us in person Sunday morning at 10:30 am contemporary service.